İngilizce B2

İletişim bilgilerini eksiksiz olarak doldurup sınava geçebilirsiniz.

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Soru 1

A: Excuse me, how can I find out my exam score?
B: The exam results ………. to you via email.Deselect Answer

Soru 2

A: We are thinking of ………. to Spain on our holiday.
B: Great!Deselect Answer

Soru 3

A: I don’t know what to buy her for her birthday.
B: You ………. buy her a book, she likes reading.Deselect Answer

Soru 4

A: What are your plans for tonight?
B: If my mother ………. me, I ………. go to my firend’s party.Deselect Answer

Soru 5

A: I need money to fix my car. Can you lend me some?
B: If I ………. , of course I ………. but I don’t have enough.Deselect Answer

Soru 6

A: I think London is ………. city.
B: I don’t agree, Shanghai is much ……….Deselect Answer

Soru 7

A: What ………. this weekend?
B: I don’t know, I ………. meet my friends in the centreDeselect Answer

Soru 8

A: Have you heard? John’s had an accident and he’s in hospital now.
B: Really? I ………. him tomorrow. Thanks for telling me.Deselect Answer

Soru 9

I saw ………. accident yesterday. ………. car crashed into ………. wall.Deselect Answer

Soru 10

A: Where’s ………. milk?
B: It’s in ………. fridge.Deselect Answer

Soru 11

A: ………. bread do we need for dinner?
B: Only ……….Deselect Answer

Soru 12

I ………. my best friend since we were at kindergarten.Deselect Answer

Soru 13

When we ………., the police ………. us.Deselect Answer

Soru 14

Before she ………. home, she ………. her friend.Deselect Answer

Soru 15

A: ………. you ………. TV?

B: No, you can turn it off.

Deselect Answer

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