İngilizce A2

İletişim bilgilerini eksiksiz olarak doldurup sınava geçebilirsiniz.

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Soru 1

He tried to open the tin ___ a knife.Deselect Answer

Soru 2

Tokyo is the most crowded city ___ the world.Deselect Answer

Soru 3

Joe doesn't enjoy ___ baseball games on TV.Deselect Answer

Soru 4

Which sentence is correct?Deselect Answer

Soru 5

It’s raining ________ today.Deselect Answer

Soru 6

A: When ________ your exam?
B: It __________ yesterday.Deselect Answer

Soru 7

We _____________ very happy to see you yesterday.Deselect Answer

Soru 8

We ___________ at the library for three hours’ yesterday.Deselect Answer

Soru 9

He___________ to class yesterday because he was at the hospital.Deselect Answer

Soru 10

Some sports are ________ than others.Deselect Answer

Soru 11

Mount Everest is the ______ mountain in the world.Deselect Answer

Soru 12

This book is ___________ book I have ever read.Deselect Answer

Soru 13

___________ coffee do you drink every day?Deselect Answer

Soru 14

For ____________ do you want to stay in this city?Deselect Answer

Soru 15

Choose the correct order:Deselect Answer

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