IMAT Deneme Sınavı @6 2023 IMAT Sınavı'na hazırlanan öğrencilerimiz için oluşturulmuş çalışmadır. Aşağıdaki iletişim formunu doldurarak sınava başlayabilirsiniz. Sınav 100 dakikadır ve süre dolduğunda sayfa kapanacaktır. Başarılar Dileriz! İsim Soyisim E-Posta Telefon Soru 1 Today the NHS is increasingly struggling to be financially viable. In the future, the NHS may have to reduce the services it cannot afford. The NHS is supported by government funds, which come from those who pay tax in the UK. Recently the NHS has been criticised for allowing fertility treatments to be free, as many people believe these are not important andshould not be paid for when there is not enough money to pay the doctors and nurses. Which one of the following is the most accurate conclusion of the statementabove?Deselect Answer Only taxpayers should decide where the NHS spends its money. Doctors and nurses should be better paid. The NHS should stop free fertility treatments. Fertility treatments may have to be cut if finances do not improve. The public think fertility treatments are pointless. None Soru 2 We should allow people to drive as fast as they want. By allowing drivers to drive at fast speeds, through natural selection the most dangerous drivers will kill only themselves in car accidents. These people will nothave children, hence only safe people will reproduce and eventually the population will only consist of safe drivers. Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the above argument?Deselect Answer Dangerous drivers harm others more often than themselves by driving too fast. Dangerous drivers may produce children who are safe drivers. The process of natural selection takes a long time. Some drivers break speed limits anyway. Slow driving can be as dangerous as fast driving. None Soru 3 In the winter of 2014, the UK suffered record levels of rainfall, which led to catastrophic damage across the country. Thousands of homes were damaged and even destroyed, leaving many homeless in the chaos that followed. The Government faced harsh criticism that they had failed to adequately prepare the country for the extreme weather. In such cases the Government assess the likelihood of such events happening in the futureand balance against the cost of advance measures to reduce the impact should they occur versus the cost of the event with no preparative defences in place. Until recently, for example, the risk of acts of terror taking was low compared with the vast cost anticipated should they occur. However, the risk of flooding is usually low, so it could be argued that the costs associated with anti-flooding measures would have been pre-emptively unreasonable. Should the Government be expected to prepare for every conceivable threat that could come topass? Are we to put in place expensive measures against a seismic event as well as a possible extra-terrestrial invasion? Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the statement above?Deselect Answer The Government has an obligation to assess risks and costs of possible future events. The Government should spend money to protect against potential extra-terrestrial invasions and seimic events. The Government should have spent money to protect against potential floods. The Govemment was justified in not spending heavily to protect against flooding. The Govermment should assist people who lost their homes in the floods. None Soru 4 Sadly the way in which children interact with each other has changed over the years. Where once children used to play sports and games together in the street, they now sit alone in their rooms on the computer playing games on the internet. Where in the past young children learned human interaction from active games with their friends this is no longer the case. How then, when these children are grown up, will they be able to socially interact with their colleagues? Which one of the following is the conclusion of the above statement?Deselect Answer Children who play computer games now interact less outside of them. The Internet can be a tool for teaching social skills. Computer games are for social development. Children should be made to play outside with thcir friends to develop their social skills for later in life. Adults will in the future play computer games as a means of interaction. None Soru 5 At a hospital, Nurse Kemp has worked more night shifts in a row than Nurse Rogers, who has worked five. Nurse Miller has worked fifteen nights shifts in a row, more than Nurses Kemp and Rogers combined. Nurse Calvin has worked eight nights shifts in a row, less than Nurse Kemp. How many nights shifts in a row has Nurse Kemp worked?Deselect Answer Six Eight Nine Ten Eleven None Soru 6 What is the number of triangles that can be formed whose two sides are the vertices of an octagon and the remaining side is one of the octagon’s side.Deselect Answer 8 12 18 32 36 None Soru 7 I recently received a catalogue from a book club. I want to order seven books from their list. However, I noticed that their price structure for postage was very strange:I decide, based on the table, that I will ask them to pack my order in the number of parcels that will attract the lowest post and packing charge. How much will I have to pay?Deselect Answer £ 3.65 £ 3.20 £ 2.25 £ 2.15 £ 2.10 None Soru 8 Josh starts to walk 500 m from his house, turns right and walks 200 meters, turns right and walks 100 meters, turns right and walks 200 meters. At the end how far is he from his house.Deselect Answer 100 m 300 m 400 m 500 m 600 m None Soru 9 Four different views of a dice are given as viewed from different angles. Find out the number of dots on the face opposite to the face with one dot.Deselect Answer 2 3 4 5 6 None Soru 10 High levels of alcohol consumption are proven to increase the risk of many non-infectious diseases, such ascancer, atherosclerosis and liver failure. James is a PhD student, and is analysing the data from a large-scalestudy of over 500,000 people to further investigate the link between heavy alcohol consumption and healthproblems. In the study, participants were asked about their alcohol consumption, and then their medical historywas recorded. His analysis displays surprising results, concluding that those with high alcohol consumptionhave a decreased risk of cancer. James decides that those carrying out the study must have incorrectly recordedthe data. Which of the following is NOT a potential reason why the study has produced these surprising results?Deselect Answer Previous studies were incorrect, and high alcohol consumption does lower the risk o fcancer The studies didn't take account of other cancer risk factors in comparing those with high and low alcoholconsumption. James has made some errors in his analysis, and thus his conclusions are erroneous. The participants involved in the study did not truthfully report their alcohol consumption, leading to falseconclusions being drawn. The studies control group data was mixed up with the test group data. None Soru 11 Which country is the Dolomite Mountain range, which borders the Alps, located in?Deselect Answer Italy France Germany Denmark Spain None Soru 12 Which 18th century composer was The Marriage of Figaro written by?Deselect Answer Beethoven Mozart Tchaikovsky Chopin None Soru 13 The American Decleration of Independence was signed on the 4th of July of what year?Deselect Answer 1815 1789 1688 1776 1492 None Soru 14 The speech which begins “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears” is from which play by Shakespeare?Deselect Answer Othello Romeo and Juliet Antony and Cleopatra The Merchant of Venice Julius Caesar None Soru 15 Which ruler was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire on Christmas Day of 800 AD?Deselect Answer Robert the Bruce Edward I Charlemagne Julius Ceasar Charles the Bald None Soru 16 Which city was The Harlem Renaissance was a 20th century artistic and poetic movement based in?Deselect Answer Paris Madrid New York San Francisco Chicago None Soru 17 Which of these rivers is NOT located in Europe?Deselect Answer Danube Seine Rhine Elbe Yellow None Soru 18 Marie Curie died as a result of her research into what?Deselect Answer Poisons Acids Fire Radiation Monkeys None Soru 19 Which of these countries was never part of the United Republic of Yugoslaiva?Deselect Answer Bosnia Serbia Macedonia Hungary Slovenia None Soru 20 Which French philosopher is the phrase “Hell is other people”associated with?Deselect Answer Jean-Paul Sartre Albert Camus Freidrich Nietzche Jean-Jacques Rousseau Rene Descartes None Soru 21 Thegraphbelowshowstheeffect of substrateconcentration on enzymeactivity. Whatconclusion can be drawnaboutsection X of thegraph?Deselect Answer The enzyme has started to denature and there action slows down. The reaction has finished and the substrate has been used up. The enzyme is saturated and is working at its maximum reaction rate. Some of the enzyme has been consumed and there action has reached a plateau. None of them None Soru 22 Which type of molecule is shown in the diagram below?Deselect Answer Peptide Carbohydrate Lipid Nucleicacid Glycerol None Soru 23 The table below shows the codons that determine different amino acids in protein translation. What is these quence of the amino acids that is being translated from the following mRNA sequence? 5´ AUGGGUGCUUAUUGGUAA 3´Deselect Answer Met-Pro-Arg-Ile-Thr Met-Cys-Ser-Tyr-Trp Met-Gly-Ala-Tyr-Trp Met-Gly-Tyr-Ala-Thr Met-Gly-Tyr-Ala-Ser None Soru 24 Where are the light-dependent and light-independent reactions taking place in the diagram below?Deselect Answer A B C D E None Soru 25 What happens during the formation of Okazaki fragments?Deselect Answer DNA polymerase III addsnucleotides in the 3´ → 5´ direction. DNA polymerase III addsnucleotides in the 5´ → 3´ direction. DNA polymerase I addsnucleotides in the 5´ → 3´ direction. RNA polymeraseaddsnucleotides in the 3´ → 5´ direction. RNA polymeraseaddsnucleotides in the 5´ → 3´ direction. None Soru 26 The diagram below shows the structure of a chloroplast. What is the structure labelled X?Deselect Answer Ribosome Stroma Inner membrane Thylakoid Intermembrane space None Soru 27 What conclusion can be drawn from examining the action spectrum for a green plants hown below?Deselect Answer Yellow light is the most effective at promoting photosynthesis. Every colour of light is equally effective at promoting photosynthesis. Light of wavelength 550 nm is least effective at promoting photosynthesis. Light in the greenrange is the most effective at promoting photosynthesis. Green is very beautiful colour for plants and plants love it None Soru 28 The diagram below represents part of the DNA molecule.What are the parts labelled I, II and III?Deselect Answer A B C D E None Soru 29 What is the advantage of having a small volume inside the thylakoids of the chloroplast?Deselect Answer High proton concentrations are rapidly developed. High electron concentrations are rapidly developed. Photosyn the ticpigments are highly concentrated. Enzymes of the Calvincycle are highly concentrated. To carry out more glycolysis None Soru 30 A number of different proteins are involved in nerve function. Which of the following does not require a membrane protein?Deselect Answer Active transport of sodium Diffusion of K⁺ into the cell Diffusion of the neurotransmitters cross the synapse Binding of the neurotransmitter the postsynaptic membrane Breaking down of enzymes None Soru 31 Rhesus factor is an antigen present on the surface of red blood cells of Rhesus positive individuals.Rhesus positive (Rh⁺) is dominant to Rhesus negative (Rh⁻). A mother with Rhesus negative blood gives birth to a baby with Rhesus positive blood and there are concerns that subsequent pregnancies will trigger an immune response. What are the genotypes of the mother and her first baby?Deselect Answer A B C D E None Soru 32 Which of the following is part of the process of cellular respiration?Deselect Answer Changes in the volume of the thoracic cavity Exchange of gases across the surface of the alveoli Exchange of gases across the surface of capillaries Glycolysis Movement of cilia None Soru 33 What is the main function of the large intestine?Deselect Answer Absorption of water Digestion of fats and proteins Absorption of nutrients Recycling of digestive enzymes Absorption of lipids None Soru 34 Capillaries surround the alveoli in the lungs. Which pair of statements correctly describes the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs?Deselect Answer A B C D E None Soru 35 What are the levels of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, LH and FSH during the menstrual cycle at the time of ovulation?Deselect Answer A B C D E None Soru 36 Which of the following statements is false?Deselect Answer H₂ has just one sigma bond. HCl has just one sigma bond. H—C≡≡C—H has four pi bonds and three sigma bonds. CH₂==CH₂ has five sigma bonds and one pi bond. H₂O has two sigma bonds and two lone pairs. None Soru 37 What is the correct formula for iron(III) sulfate?Deselect Answer FeSO4 Fe₂(SO4)₃ Fe(SO4)₃ Fe₃SO4 Fe₃(SO4)₂ None Soru 38 A solution has a pH of 6.0. What is the concentration of OH1−ions in solution?Deselect Answer 6.0 × 10−¹⁴ M 1.0 × 10−⁶ M 1.0 × 10−¹⁴ M 6.0 × 10−⁸ M 1.0 × 10−⁸ M None Soru 39 Which of the following statements about bonding is correct?Deselect Answer Van der Waals forces exist between polar molecules. Dipoles are the result of the equal sharing of electrons. Cu(s) is a network solid. Hydrogen bond sexist between the molecules of HCl. NaCl(aq) has attraction between the molecules and the ions. None Soru 40 Methane undergoes a combustion reaction according to the reaction CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) How many grams of methane gas were burned if 67.2 liters of carbon dioxide gas are produced in the reaction? (Assume STP.)Deselect Answer 16 grams 48 grams 3 grams 132 grams 22.4grams None Soru 41 Which pair below represents isomers of the same compound?Deselect Answer CH₃CH₂CH₂OH and HOCH₂CH₂CH₃ CH₃CH₂CH₃ and CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₃ CH₃CH(Cl)CH₃and CH₃CH₂CH₂Cl CH₃COCH₃and CH₃CH₂CH₂CHO ClCH₂CH₂Br and BrCH₂CH₂Cl None Soru 42 Which functional group below does not contain a carbonyl group?Deselect Answer Aldehydes Ketones Esters Ethers Carboxylic Acids None Soru 43 A compound was analyzed and found to be composed of 75% carbon and 25% hydrogen. What is the empirical formula of this compound?Deselect Answer C₂H₄ CH₄ CH₃ CH₂ CH None Soru 44 Which of these equations is/are properly balanced?I. Cl2 + 2NaBr → Br2 + 2NaClII. 2Na + O2 → Na2OIII. 2K + 2H2O → H2 + 2KOHDeselect Answer I only II only III only I and III only I, II, and III None Soru 45 A compound was analyzed and found to be 12.1% C,71.7% Cl, and 16.2% O. What is the empirical formula for this compound? (C:12 gr/mol, O:16 gr/mol, Cl: 35.5 gr/mol)Deselect Answer C₂OCl COCl CO₂Cl₂ C₂O₂Cl CCl₂O None Soru 46 Deselect Answer 1s²2s²2p⁵ 3s²3p² s²p⁵ s²p⁸d⁷ sp⁷ None Soru 47 How many pi bonds are there in a molecule of NC—CH2—CH2—CO—NH—CHCH2?Deselect Answer 7 4 12 10 5 None Soru 48 Which Statement Below is inconsistent with the concept of isotopes?Deselect Answer Each element is composed of atoms. All atoms of an element are identical. The Atoms of different elements have different chemical and physical properties. The combining of elements leads to the formation of compounds. In a compound, the kinds and numbers of atoms are constant. None Soru 49 As you go from left to right across a period on the periodic table there in a decrease inDeselect Answer First ionization energy Nuclear charge Electronegativity The ability to gain electrons Metallic character None Soru 50 Which choice below would affect the rate of reaction in the opposite way from the other four?Deselect Answer Cool the reaction down. Add a catalyst. Decrease the pressure. Use larger pieces of solid reactants. Decrease the concentration of the reactants. None Soru 51 Deselect Answer 10 kJ 60 kJ 72 kJ 90 kJ 120 kJ None Soru 52 20 cm apart two identical metallic spheres A and B are charged 2µC and -8µC respectively. The sphere B experience an electrical force of magnitude F due to the other sphere. When they are touched and put 10 cm apart what will be the magnitude of force experienced by the particle A.Deselect Answer 3F/2 4F/9 9F/4 4F/3 F/3 None Soru 53 Which of the above expressions is/are equal to the Deselect Answer Only II I and II II and III I and III All of them None Soru 54 What is the sum of the real roots of the equation where x‡0 and x‡1.Deselect Answer 3 -1/3 1/3 -1/2 1/2 None Soru 55 What is the lowest common multiple of 12, 18 and 42, given as the product of powers of its prime factors?Deselect Answer 2²x3²x7 2x3x7 2²x3 2x7 2 None Soru 56 In a container in the open air there is an ideal gas. Which one of the followings is true about the graph of the pressure, the volume, and the temperature of the gas? (Nonmentioned properties are constant)Deselect Answer Volume-Temperature graph is a line with a constant negative gradient Volume-Temperature graph is a curve with a decreasing positive gradient Volume-Pressure graph is a line with a negative constant gradient Volume-Pressure graph is a line with a constant positive gradient Volume-Pressure graph is a curve with a negative gradient decreasing in magnitude. None Soru 57 A metal rectangle prism with the dimensions; 4 cm, 5cm and 8 cm is put in a shallow liquid of density 2.5 g/cm³. Only half of the metal is submerged. What is the magnitude of the upthrust acting on the prism having the density 5 g/cm³? (Gravitational field strength= 10 N/kg)Deselect Answer 0.64 1.28 2 2.56 4 None Soru 58 A car travelling with a constant velocity 3 m/s starts decelerating for 5 seconds at 2m/s². What is the displacement of the car in last 3 seconds?Deselect Answer 3 8 10.5 12 19.5 None Soru 59 Which of the following statements must be true about statistics?I. The range of a data set must be smaller than its standard deviation.II. The standard deviation of a data set must be smaller than its mean.III. The median of a data set must be smaller than its mode.Deselect Answer I only I and II II only I, II, and III None are true None Soru 60 Temperature of a gas is produced due toDeselect Answer its heating value kinetic energy of molecules repulsion of molecules attraction of molecules surface tension of molecules. None
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